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2023 FADAP Conference Agenda 


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Click on link for taped session  


Tuesday-August 8, 2023

8:30 am-9:00 am-"Welcome, History and Overview of the Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program"

Heather Healy, LCSW-C, CEAP, FADAP Manager

Nicholas Lomangino, MD, FAA

Deborah McCormick, LCDP, CEAP, FADAP Coordinator

9:00 am-10:30 am-"Lifestyle Change to Support Recovery from Addiction"-Session 1

10:50 am-12:20 pm-"My Flight into Recovery"-Session 2

Taped Session

"My Flight into Recovery"

American Airlines

Envoy Air

United Airlines


1:30 pm-3:00 pm-"Rethinking Intervention: Making an Invitation to Change"-Session 3

3:20 pm-4:50 pm-"Screen Effects of the Digital Age"-Session 4

4:50 pm-5:05 pm-Closing Comments

Heather Healy, LCSW-C, CEAP, FADAP Manager

Deborah McCormick, LCDP, CEAP, FADAP Coordinator


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

8:30 am-8:45 am-Welcome

Heather Healy, LCSW-C, CEAP, FADAP Manager

Deborah McCormick, LCDP, CEAP, FADAP Coordinator

8:45 am-10:15 am-"Avioding Cue-lessness: How to Shout I'm A Great Leader Without Saying A Word"Session 5

10:35 am-12:05 pm-"Partnerships to Advance the Flight Attendant Well-Being"-Session 6

1:30 pm-3:00 pm-'Sexualized Drug Use in the LBGT+ Population"-Session 7

Taped Session

"Sexualized Drug Use in the LGBT+Population"

 Mellissa McCracken 

3:20 pm-4:40 pm-"Flight Attendant Peer Workshop"-Session 8.1

3:20 pm-4:50 pm-By Invitation Only "Flight Attendant Leadership/Managment Workshop-Session 8.2

By Invitation Only 

**Flight Attendant Leadership/Management Workshop

Presenter-Tom Coderre, SAMSHA Acting Deputy Director


Nicholas Lomangino, MD, FAA

Heather Healy, LCSW-C, CEEAP, FADAP Manager

4:50 pm-5:05 pm-Closing Comments

Heather Healy, LCSW-C, CEAP, FADAP Manager

Deborah McCormick, LCDP, CEAP, FADAP Coordinator


Thursday, August 10, 2023

8:45 am-10:15 am-"Addressing Stigma and Silos in the Recovery-Oriented System of Care"- Session 9

10:35 am "Attachment and Addiction in Adulthood"-Session 10

Taped Session

"Attachment and Addiction in Adulthood"

Leigh McInnas